Hydration and Your Body

Hydration is a cornerstone of self-care that many overlook. Dehydration can lead to common but preventable symptoms such as fatigue, pain, and mental fog, all of which affect daily life and physical performance. Our latest blog explores how staying properly hydrated benefits your body, especially your muscles and tissues, and offers tips on maintaining a balance of fluids and electrolytes. Discover simple yet powerful strategies to enhance your overall health and make the most of your massage therapy sessions.

Lucas Benson, RN

1/31/20254 min read

One of the best ways to maximize and lengthen the benefits of massage therapy is to develop a regular routine of self-care. Self-care doesn't have to be complicated. In fact, it can (and should) be as simple as getting adequate hydration. By increasing our water intake we can have a massive positive impact on our overall wellbeing and health, specifically giving our sore and tired muscles the essentials they need to heal and work at optimal levels. You can think of water as the original energy drink.

When we become dehydrated, through fluid loss and inadequate replenishment, we are prone to injury and sickness. Mild dehydration can cause a host of unwanted symptoms including headaches, dizziness, irritability and confusion, as well as making muscles and tissues susceptible to injury and strains. Moderate to severe dehydration can cause more serious symptoms such as seizures and injury to vital organs, like the kidneys.

While it may sound rudimentary enough, most American adults are thought to be chronically dehydrated. Studies indicate that up to 75% of adults in the United States drastically underconsume, with an average of 2.5 cups of water daily. The human body requires water for proper and efficient cellular functioning, allowing the muscles and tissues to work as intended. Without this essential element to life the body simply cannot function properly, and we pay the price for dehydration with negative symptoms like pain and fatigue.

The amount of water each person needs will differ, but according to the Mayo Clinic a guideline for males is to consume at least 124 ounces of fluids daily, for females 92 ounces, both much higher than the old adage of 8- 8 oz cups a day. Many factors will affect this number for an individual, such as the climate and dryness of their environment, their activity level (along with intensity and duration), as well as amount of diuretics consumed (agents that can cause fluid loss, such as alcohol). Providing your body with enough water is crucial to systemic wellbeing, from the most basic functions to intense athletic demands.

While the role that water plays cannot be overstated, a major part of proper hydration involves adequate consumption of electrolytes. Electrolytes are a variety of minerals that work within the body to carry out many of the vital functions needed to live a healthy, happy life. Potassium, calcium, and sodium are a few examples of well known electrolytes, but there are many others. While sport drinks and powders can help supplement these all-important minerals, we get most of our electrolytes from food, and mostly from fruits and vegetables. Ensuring we get enough fruits and vegetables in the diet is the best bet toward consuming enough electrolytes to maintain proper hydration.

Hydration, then, is a balanced mix of fluids and electrolytes, with electrolytes acting like keys that allow water to interact within the body as needed. The body requires this proper balance of fluids and electrolytes, which is maintained through a complex working of multiple systems and organs such as the kidneys. When the fluid and electrolytes within the body become imbalanced, by either too much or too little of any of the components, proper function breaks down and the negative signs and symptoms associated with dehydration appear, such as muscle cramping and fatigue.

There are some simple tests you can do regularly to check how hydrated you are. One method is to gently pull up on the skin on the back of your hand and releasing it. If you are well hydrated the skin will quickly and fluidly snap back into place. When dehydrated the skin will be more sluggish and less smooth, taking it's time while returning to it's resting state on the hand. This is measuring the skin elasticity, or turgor, and can be a reliable marker to generally assess if you are hydrated.

Another way to measure is to look at the color of your urine. If it appears clear or pale yellow you are likely well hydrated. If it is darker yellow/orange you are possibly beginning to be dehydrated and should consume water. As it gets darker in color and more amber/brown, the more serious the dehydration and need for replacing lost fluids. Also, the frequency with which you urinate can be a good indicator of hydration status. While individual circumstances can greatly affect frequency, generally speaking, a hydrated person urinates 4-8 times a day. If you are urinating infrequently chances are you are dehydrated.

A body that is given everything it needs will respond in kind by means of healing and adapting to stressors, and performing at an optimal level. The simplest thing we can do for our own overall wellbeing and physical health is to drink more water, backed up with consuming an adequate amount of fruits and vegetables.

It may sound a bit underwhelming or too simple, but with a proper balance of fluid and electrolytes the body is able to function at it's best, and has at it's disposal the means to not only utilize beneficial nutrients, but to flush out the byproducts and waste that can gum up the works if not eliminated effectively. Water is essential to life, and drinking enough is a strong tool in the struggle to live free of the pains that can ravage a person's quality of life on a day to day basis. So whether the glass is half-full or half-empty, fill it the rest of the way and drink to your health.